What site did you use? Www.huffingtonpost.com
2. Personally, it looks like the website is more based on facts rather than opinions. The only opinions I really see is when looking through the opinion section, as well as peoples comments on different articles and such.
3. Overall the articles look to be more factual based. For example, the article on Disney buying the rights to the Star Wars films.
4. Quite a few of the posts have to do with the election, and to discuss them they reference campaign slogans, ideas, and even commercial ads.
5. I'm going to take a stab in the dark (which isn't so very dark) and say that the point of view of this website is on the more Democratic or Liberal, side. This is obvious because there are quite a few articles on the rights of humans, for example gay marriage, which is a primary focus of the Democratic party. Or at least more so than the Republican party.
6. The Huffington Post makes information much more available to people all over the world. Instead of having to subscribe to a newspaper, you can go online while at work or on your phone considering more than half of America has a phone that can access the internet.
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